Introduction to Fly Fishing
FNSF-NOMAD run specialist charters for fly fishing groups both on the eastern and western parts of Cape York. These charters will be targeted at specific fisheries. Broadly characterised they will take place as part of the Archer River, Jackson River and Claremont Isles trip campaigns.
Although the vessel does not stock specialty fly-fishing equipment, FNSF-NOMAD is equipped with everything else needed to get fly fishing enthusiasts into some world-class action. Our centre consoles are fiberglass fishing missiles with whisper-quiet electric motors to greatly improve sight-casting.
FNSF-NOMAD provide experienced fly-fishing guides for these charters, who can work with groups both before departure and during the trips to get the most out of your charter. Specialised gear and equipment can be discussed in detail beforehand and FNSF-NOMAD encourages overseas travelling groups of fly fishers to get in touch. We will make it work!
We schedule our fly fishing trips in July-August on the west coast of Cape York, and in November-December and February-March on the east coast to capitalise on favourable weather conditions.
These remote charters allow a coverage of inshore creeks and rivers, mid reefs, islands and sand cays, with just a short run also to fish the blue holes of the stunning outer reef. This a fly fisherman's nirvana and the opportunity to tick off more species than perhaps anywhere else on the planet.
Within an hour run of the mothership in either direction, fly fishermen could be searching for Golden Trevally or Permit on the beach, Barramundi up the creeks, Coral Trout on the reef points or Giant Trevally on outer reef edges.

Fly fishermen especially appreciate this stretch of coastline. It has been world famous in fly fishing circles for more than 20 years! This is due to the abundant fish which can be found in clean water, presenting casting opportunities usually with a light offshore or cross shoulder breeze. The sun comes up in the East, meaning facing west with the sun behind is possible throughout the first half of the day, making sight-casting a pleasure.
A selection of beautiful rivers make their way out to the Gulf of Carpentaria up in the far north west of the Cape. Starting in the south with the Skardon, Jackson, Macdonald, Doughboy and Cottrell Rivers plus Crystal Creek in the north, we are talking about a multitude of creeks, rivers and tidal flats.
With a massive system of wetlands and rivers including the Ward, Watson, Small Archer and Archer Rivers, this is fly fishing nirvana. FNSF-NOMAD flies direct via private plane charter from Cairns to the Aurukun airport where clients are quickly transferred to the mothership for a plan of attack, rig up and fly fishing that afternoon.
Fly customers can experience this huge array of different waterways, wetlands, beaches and reef systems within close proximity of the mothership. A daytrip to the north might place you alongside long sandy beaches, towering bauxite cliffs and fish-filled reefs with clean inshore waters. A trip to the south and you are amidst the barramundi-rich waters of Love River.

The east coast fly fishing targets might literally include a hundred species. Anything that can be caught on conventional tackle might be taken on fly, with the exception of deeper water species.
Some of the fly fishing targets on the west coast include Barramundi, Queenfish, Giant Trevally, Golden Trevally, Giant Herring, Blue Bastards, Milkfish, Permit, Mangrove Jack, Fingermark, Threadfin Salmon, Blue Salmon and Saratoga.
- Archer River and Jackson River
- Princess Charlotte Bay
- Lloyd Bay
FNSF-NOMAD do not supply fly fishing tackle. We find it is such a specialised type of fishing that most clients will have their own gear. Our senior guide will often be available to discuss gear prior to charters.